Friday, October 5, 2007

how the time flys...

I can't believe it is already Friday... where has this week gone!!! So Monday, I went to my "cycling" class and it ended up not being a cycling class at all but being a fat burning aerobics class. Don't get me wrong, I think its great, I was just thoroughly confused. It was kind of funny considering my friends and I were on the front row and we don't speak German at all, so we were constantly looking back to see what to do. Tuesday, Marie and I joined a gym about 15 min away from our house. I must say this was the best investment yet. I have gone every day for at least 2 hours.. and I feel great. Wednesday, I went to the Vienna Art Museum with my art and architecture class. It was so nice to have someone bring the art to life. I usually go into museums and walk through quickly... where as this we took so much time at each piece and really studied it's meaning. Thursday, I left the house at 8 am and didn't come back home till 10 pm. I took a German test and then headed to a dance class, my friend Kyle, is teaching. Kyle is my age and goes to Trinity. He is on the swing and country western dance team at Trinity. He offered to teach us a few moves through out the semester to get us ready for the "Dancer's Ball" in December. I was exhausted by the end of the 3 hour session. I am def. not the most coordinated, but he was able to get me into the rhythm of swing. Next week we are going to continue to work on swing and then move into salsa. I am so excited to learn how to dance. Yesterday evening after Finance, Marie and I were suppose to go to the Vienna soccer game. But, by the time we got home and had dinner the game was half way over, plus I felt like I had a cold coming on, so we decided to stay in and try it out some other time. This morning, I woke up and went to German. I found out I didn't do as bad as I thought on my test yesterday and then went to the gym where I have spent my whole afternoon. The gym is HUGE, I get sucked in and its hard to get me out (which I guess is a good thing). This evening Heather is going to make chicken with apple juice (interesting but sounds good) and then we will probably stay in and watch a movie. I think its that time of year when everyone gets sick..cause we all are starting to have a cold. Tomorrow, Heather and I are going to go to the "long night of the museums." This is an annual event where they open all the museums for free from 1 pm to 1 am. There are also suppose to be tons of programs and festivities going on everywhere in Vienna. I'm really looking forward to it. We were going to go somewhere this weekend, but I am really glad we are going to stay and take advantage of what the city has to offer. Well, thats a quick and dirty look at the highlights from my week. I hope everyone had a good week!!! I love you all!!

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