Sunday, October 7, 2007

Lange Nacht der Museen

Another weekend has come and gone, I must say however this one was a productive one. I feel like I have experienced Vienna and have taken advantage of what the city has to offer. Last night (Saturday), Heather and I bought a ticket for 10 Euro and spent the evening exploring the Museums of Vienna. The night is called "Lange Nacht der Museen" which you can probably figure out, but it is the long night of the museums. All of the museums were open from 6 pm to 1 am. Heather and I tried to make it to closing, but feel short by a few hours. Our first stop was the Torture museum. Now, you are probably wondering why in the heck we would go there... well because it was free and that was the only way we would go. The whole way to the museum my heart was racing; I was so nervous for I hate scary situations, ie. torture museums. We get in and I'm grasping Heather's hand, and then its nothing. Everything is in German, so I don't understand, plus the people who were being tortured looked abs. ridiculous and fake. (You can see by the pictures). We then hopped back on the bus and headed downtown. We peaked in the Textile Museum and then stopped for a bite to eat. We ended up eating at this really nice cafe, which we soon realized was one of the oldest in Vienna. I had a grilled ham and cheese and Heather, a delicious plum dessert. After getting reenergized we headed down to the Museum's Quarter. There was so many people that filled the area. I found it exciting considering the number of art lovers spending their Saturday night in museums. Since the museums were free, we kind of walked briskly through so we could catch more. So, we went to a few modern art museums as well as the Natural History museum. The Natural History museum was abs. beautiful, however the animals looked so real and felt they were going to come alive, like in "Night at the Museum." As you will see in the pictures, there is a couple photos I titled as "experiental art." I found this to be intriguing. They set up this area with various things you partake in your everyday life. Such as going to bed, sitting by a lamp and reading a book, as well as riding your exercise bike by the tv. They wanted the person to experience the art rather than to just look at it. So, it was quite amusing watching people truly get into this new art form.

This morning we woke up quite early, and headed on a bus to Klosterneuburg, a small town outside of Vienna. In Klosterneuburg, there is a beautiful Monestary that Leopold (i forget which one) built as a religious gift to God. It was abs. breathtaking, which you can see in the photos. Not to mention, It was georgous weather. First, we took a tour of the museum and imperial apartments then headed to a quaint cafe for lunch. At the monestary, they harvest their own wine and apple juice, which by the way is amazing, so we spent our lunch taste testing these various masterpieces. We both had Cordon Blu, which I thought was French, but I eat it in all of the traditional resturants. Then we headed to the winery where they produce the wine. We didn't get to see how they make it, but we did get to buy some. We each got a couple of different kinds so that we could try it, as well as bought a couple various apple juices. Considering we were each carrying 4 heavy bottles, we had to cut our trip short and head home. As soon as we hit the door, we both curled in bed and took a 3 hour long nap.

Looking back, I feel as if I have been very productive this weekend. Like I said before, I feel like I have experienced a little more of Vienna. As for now, I'm going to make some eggs, read some finance, and head to bed. I wish everyone a wonderful day. Till next time....

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