Monday, October 22, 2007

Sunday morning, I ended up waking up with a cold and deciding not to go to church. I lounged around in my PJ's all day watching a total of 5 movies. You might say that I was unproductive, but in fact I was healing. I have been going constantly and it was a nice break to recoup and get well, which I do feel tons better today. I ended up watching Love Actually, Casanova, Ella Enchanted, Man on Fire, and Letter to Frankie. I really enjoyed all of them, my favorite two being between Man on Fire and Casanova. Along with watching movies, I did laundry and worked on my finance and German homework. So, I wasn't totally useless. Plus it was FREEZING outside and I didn't want to leave the comfort of my warm bed.

This morning I layered so much, but was still fidgeting as I walked through the biting wind. I don't know what I need to do, I guess layer even more. All of my classes went well. It is the last week before midterm so all the teachers are wrapping up their final thoughts. I also made an appointment at Tony and Guy for a haircut for tomorrow. I can't wait, I'm at that point where I just pull my hair in a pony tail because it is so long. So, hopefully they will do a good job. This evening I am going to study for a German quiz that we will have tomorrow as well as go work out at the gym.

I hope everyone day is going well!! I can't believe its only a week till my wonderful family comes! I can not wait till I get to show them my life in Vienna!!! Love you!

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