Friday, October 5, 2007

I was just reminded by my dear mother that not everyone can write comments because of not having google accounts, so I would like to give you my email address as well as address so that you can send me all your wonderful comments and advice as well as let me know how life is treating you. I appreciate you all for keeping up with me and taking the time to keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I am sorry I am not more deligent in writting, but I will try my best to improve. I appreciate my amazing family, it was so comforting to talk to most of you today. I think about you all constantly and wish you could see what I am seeing. I can not tell you enough how thankful and blessed I am to have each one of you in my life. Please know that I love you more than anything. Thank you for supporting and encouraging me throughout my experience. Linda... I got your letter today!! Thank you so very much!!! What a wonderful suprise!!! Well, again I love you all so much. I hope everyone has an amazing Friday... I'm going to head to bed :)

So, my email is:

my address is:

Chelsi McLain
c/o IES Vienna Center
Palais Corbelli
Johannesgasse 7
A-1010 Vienna

Letters truly make my day... hint... hint :)

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